

工业工程系 教授


研究方向:质量管理与工程;分类数据生产及服务过程的监控与诊断; 医疗过程质量监控;六西格玛




商艳芬教授曾在国际期刊《Journal of Quality Technology》、 《IIE Transactions》, 《Computers and Industrial Engineering》等发表SCI检索论文二十余篇,参与编写学术论著1部(部分章节)。共主持3项国家自然科学基金项目,包括青年基金项目和面上项目,以及1项教育部社科基金项目。担任Technometrics, Computers & Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Production Research, IIE Transactions等期刊审稿专家。



[1] Tsung, F., Shang, Y., and Ning, X., " Statistical Quality Control - Recent Advances," in " Springer's International Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences ," Ed. Lovric, M., Springer, New York, 2011.


[1] Shang, Y., Lu, C., Li, L., & He, S. (2024). Self-starting monitoring schemes for small-sample poisson profiles based on transfer learning. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 192, 110262.

[2] 李龙辉,商艳芬*,刘彦利,刘子先(2023),考虑手术分类协变量的风险调整EWMA控制图,工业工程与管理,28(06), 193-200。

[3] Li, L. H., Liu, Y. L., Shang, Y. F.*, & Liu, Z. X. (2023). A new phase II risk-adjusted CUSUM chart for monitoring surgical performance. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 186, 109738.

[4] Lisha Song, Shuguang He, Ting Li & Yanfen Shang* (2023) Semiparametric control schemes for dynamically monitoring profiles with count data and arbitrary design, International Journal of Production Research, 61(4), 1185-1201.

[5] Zhiqiong Wang, Zhen He, Yanfen Shang & Yanhui Ma (2023): Change-point detection for autocorrelated multivariate Poisson processes, Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 20(3), 384-404.

[6] Song, L. , He, S. , Zhou, P. , & Shang, Y.* . (2022). Empirical likelihood ratio charts for profiles with attribute data and random predictors in the presence of within profile correlation. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 38(1):153-173

[7] Shuguang He, Lisha Song, Yanfen Shang & Zhiqiong Wang (2021) Change-point detection in Phase I for autocorrelated Poisson profiles with random or unbalanced designs, International Journal of Production Research, 59(14): 4306-4323

[8] Zhang, Y., Shang, Y., Li, A., (2021) Self-information-based weighted CUSUM charts for monitoring Poisson count data with varying sample sizes. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 37(5): 1847– 1862.

[9] 商艳芬,李振,何曙光(2020),考虑轮廓间一阶自相关的二项响应轮廓控制图,系统工程学报,35(1),24-32。

[10] Li Z., Shang Y.*, and He, Z. (2019). “Phase I outlier detection in profiles with binary data based on penalized likelihood”. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 35, 1-13.

[11] Shang Y., Li T., Song L., and Wang Z. (2019). “Control charts for monitoring two-dimensional spatial count data with spatial correlations”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 137,106043.

[12] Shang Y., Wang Z., and Zhang Y. (2018). “Nonparametric control schemes for profiles with attribute data”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 125, 87-97.

[13] Yang Zhang, Yanfen Shang, Min Zhang & Xiaofang Wu (2018) Zone control charts with estimated parameters for detecting prespecified changes in linear profiles, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 47:9, 2749-2774.

[14] Shang Y., Wand Z., He Z., and He S. (2017). “Nonparametric change-point detection for profiles with binary data.” Journal of Quality Technology, 49(2), 123-135.

[15] Yang Zhang, Yanfen Shang, Zhen He, Qing Wang*. CUSUM schemes for monitoring prespecified changes in linear profiles, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2017, 33(3), 579-594.

[16] Yang Zhang, Yanfen Shang, Nini Gao & Qing Wang (2017) Monitoring prespecified changes in linear profiles using control charts with supplementary runs rules, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 46:9, 7249-7263

[17] Shang Y., Man J., He Z., and Ren H. (2016). “Change-point detection in phase I for profiles with binary data and random predictors”. Quality & Reliability Engineering, 32(7), 2549-2558.

[18] He Z., Wang Z., Tsung F., and Shang Y.* (2016). “A control scheme for autocorrelated bivariate binomial data”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 98, 350-359.

[19] Shang Y., Zi X., Tsung F., and He Z.(2014) “LASSO-based diagnosis scheme for multistage processes with binary data”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 72, 198-205.

[20] Shang Y., Tsung F., and Zou C. (2013). “Statistical Process Control for Multistage Processes with Binary Outputs”, IIE Transactions, 45(9), 1008-1023.

[21] Shang Y., Tsung F., and Zou C. (2011). “Profile Monitoring with Binary Data and Random Predictors”, Journal of Quality Technology, 43, 196-208.

[22] Shang Y., Wang K. and Tsung F. (2009). “An improved run-to-run process control scheme for categorical observations with misclassification errors”. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 25, 397-407.

[20] Shang Y., Tsung F., and Zou C. (2013). “Statistical Process Control for Multistage Processes with Binary Outputs”, IIE Transactions, 45(9), 1008-1023.

[18] Shang Y., Tsung F., and Zou C. (2011). “Profile Monitoring with Binary Data and Random Predictors”, Journal of Quality Technology, 43, 196-208.


[1] Ning, X., Shang, Y. and Tsung, F. " Statistical Process Control Techniques to Service Processes: a Review, " Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Xiamen, June, 2009.



[1] 服务过程中分类数据的监控及诊断方法的研究,2013.1-2015.12. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,负责人,已结题。

[2] 时空分类数据的统计过程控制方法的研究,2015-2016. 天津大学北洋学者.青年骨干教师项目,负责人,已结题。

[3] 基于时空分类数据的过程质量控制方法的研究,2017.1-2020.12. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 ,负责人,已结题。

[4] 考虑患者异质性的医疗过程监控方法的研究, 2025.1-2028.12。国家自然科学基金面上项目,负责人。

[5] 基于机器学习的手术质量水平监控及诊断方法研究,2024.7-2027.6. 教育部人文社科规划基金项目,负责人。



[1] 担任Technometrics, Computers & Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Production Research, IIE Transactions等期刊审稿专家。

[2] 2019年6月至今担任天津市工业工程学会理事。