
运营与供应链管理系 副教授 硕士生导师









时间 单位 学位
2005.09-2009.07 西安交通大学能动学院 学士
2009.09-2011.06 西安交通大学管理学院 硕士
2016.10-2017.10 北卡州立大学普尔商学院 访学
2013.09-2018.12 浙江大学管理学院 博士


时间 单位 职务
2019.05-2023.06 天津大学管理与经济学部 讲师
2023.07-至今 天津大学管理与经济学部 副教授
2023.09-2024.09 新加坡南洋理工大学南洋商学院 访问学者


[1] Guo Mengqiu; Gu Minhao*; Huo Baofeng. The impacts of automation and augmentation AI use on physicians’ performance: An ambidextrous perspective, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2024, ahead-of-print.

[2] Huo Baofeng; Li Dan; Gu Minhao*. The impact of supply chain resilience on customer satisfaction and financial performance: A combination of contingency and configuration approaches, Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 2024, 9 (1): 38-52.

[3] Zhang Xi; Chang Rui; Gu Minhao*; Huo Baofeng. Blockchain implementation and shareholder value: A complex adaptive systems perspective, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2024, 44 (3): 666-698.

[4] Gu Minhao; Zhang Yanming; Li Dan; Huo Baofeng*. The effect of high-involvement human resource management practices on supply chain resilience and operational performance, Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 2023, 8 (2): 176-190.

[5] Zhang Yanming; Gu Minhao; Huo Baofeng*. Antecedents and consequences of supply chain agility: a competence-capability-performance paradigm, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2023, 38 (5): 1087-1100.

[6] Guo Mengqiu; Gu Minhao; Gu Yingchun; Zhu Jinyun; Huo Baofeng; Wang Dongwei*, The impacts of the combination service model of cardiac rehabilitation on patient outcomes: evidence from a hospital experience, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, 2023, 1-20 .

[7] Yang Lu; Huo Baofeng; Gu Minhao*. The impact of information sharing on supply chain adaptability and operational performance, The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2022, 33 (2): 590-619.

[8] Gu Minhao; Yang Lu; Huo Baofeng*. The impact of information technology usage on supply chain resilience and performance: An ambidexterous view, International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 232: 107956.

[9] Huo Baofeng; Haq Muhammad Zia Ul; Gu Minhao*. The impact of information sharing on supply chain learning and flexibility performance, International Journal of Production Research, 2021, 59 (5): 1411-1434.

[10] Haq Muhammad Zia Ul; Gu Minhao and Baofeng Huo*. Enhancing supply chain learning and innovation performance through human resource management, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2020, 36 (3): 552-568.

[11] Huo Baofeng; Haq Muhammad Zia Ul; Gu Minhao*. The impact of IT application on supply chain learning and service performance, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2020, 120 (1): 1-20.

[12] Huo Baofeng; Gu Minhao; Wang Zhiqiang*. Green or lean? A supply chain approach to sustainability, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 216 (10): 152-166.

[13] Huo Baofeng; Gu Minhao*; Jiang Bing; China-related POM research: Literature review and suggestions for future research, International Journal of Production Economics, 2018, 203: 134-153.

[14] Huo Baofeng; Gu Minhao; Wang Zhiqiang*. Supply chain flexibility: Concepts, dimensions and outcomes: An organisational capability perspective, International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 56 (17): 5883-5903.

[15] Huo Baofeng; Gu Minhao*; Prajogo Daniel. Flow management and its impacts on operational performance, Production Planning & Control, 2016, 27 (15): 1233-1248.

[16] 霍宝锋; 刘忻羽; 顾旻灏*. 基于新工科与新文科融合的产学研平台建设——以天津大学储能平台为例,天津大学学报(社会科学版), 2023, 25 (06): 481-489.

[17] 常瑞; 张兮; 顾旻灏*. 区块链技术在供应链中的应用:综述与展望, 保密科学技术, 2023, (10): 15-21.

[18] 霍宝锋; 李丹; 顾旻灏*. NRBV视角下企业可持续绩效实现机制研究——基于fsQCA方法, 工程管理科技前沿, 2023, 42 (04) : 27-34.

[19] 顾旻灏; 张锦; 郭肇明; 刘伟华*; 霍宝锋; 李勇建; 李波; 李国旗. “能力-动机-机会”理论视角下物流工程专业转型驱动机制研究——基于教育部高等学校物流教指委的2021年调研数据分析, 供应链管理, 2022, 3 (04): 67-82.

[20] 顾旻灏; 霍宝锋*. 供应链弹性研究综述: 概念、维度与研究方法, 供应链管理, 2020, 01: 58-69

[21] 顾旻灏; 霍宝锋*. 供应链弹性研究综述:理论和影响机制, 供应链管理, 2020, 01: 46- 56.


[1] “智慧供应链标准工作组”先进个人(2023)

[2] “第三届国际供应链建模设计大赛”优秀指导老师(2022)

[3] “教育部物流教指委教改教研”一等奖(2022)

[4] “天津大学教育成果奖”二等奖(2022)

[5] “第五届日日顺全国物流创客营”优秀指导老师(2020)

[6] 天津市创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队成员(2019)


[1] 第16届 International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM)国际学术会议Committee Member

[2] 第16届ICOSCM国际学术会议Track Chair

[3] 第6届POMS-International国际学术会议Session Chair

[4] 第3届POMS-China国际学术会议Session Chair

[5] 第15届ICOSCM国际学术会议Session Chair

[6] 第17届ICOSCM国际学术会议Session Chair



[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 关系资本与信息技术对供应链弹性的驱动机制及绩效影响研究,2021.01—2023.12,项目主持人

[2] 国家自然科学基金重大项目, 面向价值创造的平台供应链整合,2021.01—2025.12,项目参与人

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 逆全球化对高科技企业开放式创新战略及其效用影响研究,2024.01—2027.12,项目参与人

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,能化组织中数智压迫的识别、形成和治理研究,2023.01—2026.12,项目参与人

[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于患者异质性的慢性病健康管理过程监控方法研究,2023.01—2026.12,项目参与人

[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 基于患者选择和医院道德风险行为的分级医疗服务系统运营管理与政府政策设计,2023.01—2026.12,项目参与人



[1] 《供应链管理》期刊编委,2019—至今

[2] International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management期刊编委,2023—至今