市场营销系 教授 博士生导师
郑春东,天津大学管理与经济学部教授、博士生导师,学部副主任。主要研究领域为市场营销和创新创业,主讲《创业管理》、《品牌管理》、《创业实境演练》、《创新创业模拟训练》、《促销策划》等课程。作为负责人承担国家自然科学基金课题、天津市科技发展战略计划课题、天津市社科规划课题、教育部产学合作协同育人项目以及企业委托的咨询课题,以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Business Research、Journal of Advertising Research、Psychology & Marketing、Transportation Research Part D、Information & Management、Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly、European Journal of Marketing、Journal of Travel Research、南开管理评论、科研管理、管理评论、营销科学学报等国内外学术期刊发表论文50余篇,作为主编或副主编出版《创业理论与实务》、《产品开发》、《创业法律实务》等教材,主持建设国家级一流本科课程、全国高校就业创业金课、天津市创新创业特色示范课程等专业课程,研究成果曾获得天津市社会科学优秀成果一、二等奖、天津市教学成果特、一等奖、天津大学十佳杰出青年、天津大学“我心目中的好导师”、教育部国家级大学生创新创业训练项目最佳导师等荣誉。
[1] Chundong Zheng, Shuqin Liu, Lingyu Zhao, Ke Ma *, Weisha Wang, Han Wang, How to make consumers tolerate robotic service failures[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2025, 126: 104059.
[2] Song Jiehang; Lin Zhibin; Zheng Chundong*, Effective Pro-environmental Communication: Message Framing and Context Congruency Effect[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 2025, 64(1): 206-221.
[3] Chundong Zheng, Mengzhu Liu, Heming Gong*, Han Wang, Eyes full of stories: the interaction effect of gaze direction and narrative perspective in charitable advertisements[J]. International Journal of Advertising, 2024: 1-29.
[4] Yiran Zhang, Heming Gong, Chundong Zheng*,Why do drivers resist the use of partial automation features? A perspective from psychological reactance theory[J]. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2024, 107: 383-394.
[5] Shuqin Liu, Chundong Zheng*, Accessed but unsustainable? The impact of access-based consumption on energy conservation behavior[J]. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2024, 132: 104271.
[6] Chundong Zheng, Lan Zhang*, Xuemei Bian, A showdown in the kitchen: Exploring consumers’ preferences for robot-made versus human-made foods at different stages of dietary restraint[J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2024, 81: 103934.
[7] 郑春东,唐建生,张斓*,周嘉敏. 是谁在努力?医疗募捐情境下力量情绪诉求类型对个体捐赠意愿的影响研究,营销科学学报,2024,4(3):76-92
[8] Chundong Zheng; Fangyuan Qian; Jiehang Song*; Han Wang, Make the photo in good shape: The matching effect of photo shapes and donation appeals on donation intentions[J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2024, 77: 103657.
[9] Chundong Zheng, Jingrui Wang, Haiping He, Han Wang*, The impact of evaluation modes on charitable giving: the framing effect in joint evaluation[J]. Current Psychology, 2024, 43(13): 11435-11446.
[10] Chundong Zheng, Huan Niu, Han Wang*, No browsing, no donating: the impact of title and forwarder on browsing intention of online charity fundraising[J]. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 2024, 21(1): 27-49.
[11] Chundong Zheng, Yanan Cao, Yi Wu*, Jie Yu,Do Virtual Goods Entice More Online Donations? Perspectives of Mental Imagery and Project Appeals, Information & Management, 2023, 60 (2) : 103754
[12] Yanzhuang Bai, Tingwu Li, Chundong Zheng*, Is there any value in the online reviews of remedial satisfied customers? An empirical study in the hospitality industry, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2022, 64, 102804
[13] Jiansheng Tang, Jiamin Zhou, Chundong Zheng*, Sijing Jiao, More expectations, more disappointment:Ego depletion in uncertain promotion, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2022, 66, 102916
[14] Chundong Zheng, Ning Liu, Cheng Luo, Lin Wang, Effects of the Severity of Collective Threats on People’s Donation Intention, Psychology & Marketing, 2021,38(9):1426-1439
[15] 郑春东,刘宁,冯楠*,李敏强,重大公共威胁情境下个体亲社会行为形成机制——以新冠疫情为例,管理科学学报,2021, 24(3): 63-79
[16] Chundong Zheng, Liping Yuan, Xuemei Bian*, Han Wang, Lei Huang, Management Response to Negative Comments, Psychological Distance, and Product nature: A Consumer Perspective, European Journal of Marketing, 2020, 54(10):2551-2573
[17] Ke Ma, Tong Chen, Chundong Zheng*. Influence of thinking style and attribution on consumer response to online stockouts. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2018, 43:218-225
[18] Tong Chen, Ke Ma, Chundong Zheng*. Does freight insurance really work? Effect of freight insurance on consumers’ attitude in online shopping. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2018, 12(3):209-232
[19] Tong Chen, Ke Ma, Xuemei Bian, Chundong Zheng*, James Devlin. Is high recovery more effective than expected recovery in addressing service failure? — A moral judgment perspective,Journal of Business Research, 2018, 82:1-9
[20] 郑春东、马珂、王寒,消费者特征对品牌延伸边界的影响研究----基于品牌联想的视角,管理评论,2016,28(7):130-142
[21] 郑春东、马珂,高科技品牌延伸中技术一致性效应的研究,科研管理,2016,37(4):94-101
[22] 郑春东、陈雅、唐建生,感知契合度与品牌延伸评价关系的要素体系研究——一个基于E-PBE模型的综述,管理评论,2016,28(1):156-168
[23] Tong Chen, Ke Ma,Chundong Zheng*,Han Wang.The effect of sub-brands and brand name structure on extension evaluation: An empirical study based on Chinese culture, Journal of Brand Management, 2015, 22(8):695-713
[24] 郑春东、翟海英、唐建生,基于品牌概念地图的品牌延伸淡化效应测量方法研究,管理评论,2015,27(5):92-104
[25] Chundong Zheng, Ke Ma*, Qi Duan, Han Wang,Ineffective brand extensions and the Sisyphus effect,Journal of Product & Brand Management, 2015, 24(2):165-171
[26] 郑春东、韩晴、王寒,网络水军言论如何左右你的购买意愿,南开管理评论,2015,18(1):89-97
[1] 国家自然科学基金课题:面向捐助者回避的慈善营销机理:一个基于计划行为理论的两阶段行为模型
[2] 国家自然科学基金课题:认知不对称视角的品牌延伸评价模型及其维度识别与强度测量研究
[3] 天津市科技发展战略计划课题:以应急技术提升天津生态宜居城市建设研究
[4] 天津市科技发展战略计划课题:天津市科技小巨人企业品牌战略研究
[5] 天津市社科规划课题:基于动态渐变边界模型的品牌延伸决策研究
[6] 天津市社科规划课题:区域亚文化与公益慈善事业发展——以天津曲艺文化为例
[7] 教育部产学合作协同育人项目:产品创新的规划、设计与技术经济论证
[1] 国际期刊P & M、JRCS、IJCHM等审稿人
[2] 国内期刊《南开管理评论》、《管理学报》等审稿人
[3] 天津市环境社会治理研究会(ESG)副理事长兼秘书长
[4] 中国高等教育学会智慧教育研究分会理事
[5] 天津市科普宣传大使
[6] 教育部认证创业导师