



研究方向:研究方向:1复杂感知系统的理论及其应用 2经济、金融复杂系统分析及其应用; 3.供应链感知复杂动力系统分析及其风险管控 。



马军海 天津大学管理经济学部 教授,管理科学与工程、系统科学与工程博(硕)士生导师,国务院政府特殊津贴专家,天津市首届131人才工程第一层次人选。

研究领域: 管理科学与工程、系统科学与工程



[3] 供应链感知复杂动力系统分析及其风险管控






2000年以来在国际顶级学术期刊(SCI)源刊:Journal of the Operational Research Society ;Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications; Energy Policy ;Applied Mathematical Modelling; International Journal of Production Research; Chaos Solitions and Fractals; Applied Mathematics and Computation; Nonlinear Dynamics; Chaos; International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos; International Journal of Logistics-Research and Applications; IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON Control systems technology等发表SCI检索中科院分区一区、二区论文近100篇;SSCI双检 论文近40余篇,ESI高被引论文和热论文近10篇。






1.Junhai Ma,Tiantong Xu. Optimal Strategy of Investing in Solar Energy for Meeting the Renewable Portfolio Standard Requirement [J].Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2022.高被引论文

2.Junhai Ma, Wandong Lou, Yi Tian. Bullwhip effect and complexity analysis in a multi-channel supply chain considering price game with discount sensitivity[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2019,57(17):5432–5452.

3.Junhai Ma, Xiaogang Ma. Measure of the bullwhip effect considering the market competition between two retailers[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2017,55(2): 313-326.

4.Wandong Lou, Junhai Ma. Complexity of sales effort and carbon emission reduction effort in a two-parallel household appliance supply chain model[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018(64) 398–42.

5.Junhai Ma, Yaming Hou, Wenhui Yang, Yi Tian. A time-based pricing game in a competitive vehicle market regarding the intervention of carbon emission reduction[J]. Energy Policy, 2020,142.111440-1-12. 高被引论文

6.Lei Xie, Junhai Ma, Hongshuai Han, Implications of stochastic demand and manufacturers’ operational mode on retailer’s mixed bundling strategy and its complexity analysis[J] Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018(55) 484–501.

7.Bao Binshuo, Ma Junhai, Goh Mark. Short- and long-term repeated game behaviours of two parallel supply chains based on government subsidy in the vehicle market[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2020,58(24): 7507-7530.

8.Xie Lei, Ma Junhai, Goh Mark. Supply chain coordination in the presence of uncertain yield and demand[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2021,59(14): 4342-4358.

9.Junhai Ma, Lei Xie. The comparison and complex analysis on dual-channel supply chain under different channel power structures and uncertain demand[J].Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016(83)3:1379-1393.

10. Junhai Ma, Yaming Hou, Zongxian Wang, Wenhui Yang. Pricing strategy and coordination of automobile manufacturers based on government intervention and carbon emission reduction -[J]. Energy Policy,2021,148,111919-1-15.高被引论文,热点论文

11.Junhai Ma, Lijian Sun. Complexity analysis about nonlinear mixed oligopolies game based on production cooperation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2018,26(4):1532-1539.

12.Junhai Ma, Hao Ren. Influence of government regulation on the stability of dual-channel recycling model based on customer expectation[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018,94(3):1775-1790.

13.Junhai Ma, Lijian Sun, Shunqi Hou, Xueli Zhan. Complexity study on the cournot-bertrand mixed duopoly game model with market share preference.[J]. Chaos, 2018,28(2).

14.Tiantong Xu, Junhai Ma. Feed-in tariff or tax-rebate regulation? Dynamic decision model for the solar photovoltaic supply chain[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021,89(p2):1106-1123. 高被引论文

15.Junhai Ma, Fengshan Si, Qin Zhang & Huijiang (2022) Evolution delayed decision game based on carbon emission and capacity sharing in the Chinese market, International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2022.2099320

16.Junhai Ma, Zongxian Wang. Optimal pricing and complex analysis for low-carbon apparel supply chains. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 111, 610 - 629.

17. Junhai Ma, Lijiao Gong, Jie Fan. Pricing strategy and coordination of small- to medium-sized enterprises based on bank-insurance cooperative financing [J] Managerial and Decision Economics.2022

18. Junhai Ma, Yanqin Liu.Exact solutions for a generalized nonlinear fractional Fokker_Planck equation. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 2010(11)515-521.

19. Gao, Qin; Ma, Junhai.Chaos and Hopf bifurcation of a finance system.Nonlinear Dnamics,2009(58) 10:‏ 209-216.







[5] 指导的硕士生许天桐2019年获得天津市优秀工程硕士论文。



[1]国家自然科学基金项目,71571131一类多渠道时滞供应链系统牛鞭效应及控制研究. 2016/1-2019/12,46万元,在研,主持人。








[9]HS300股票指数内在复杂性及预测技术研究 2008.10~2012.12,金额: 200万元 德福实业有限公司。 已结题,项目主持人

[10]区域性商业银行互联网信贷业务支撑体系风险管理与实践。联多科技(北京)有限公司 2014.4-2017.12

[11]创新型企业新产品附加值定价及其多渠道供应链协调研究, 2020.01~2025.12 ,102万, 2018GKF-0021.



[1] 腾讯“科学探索奖”提名专家


[3]山东省经济和信息专家委员会 专家委员

[4]中国复杂系统研究委员会 常务理事
