
讲座预告 | Constantin Blome:如何在顶级期刊发表论文——聚焦国际运营与生产管理期刊



Publishing in Top Journals:

Focus on the International Journal of Operations & Production Management


Constantin Blome






01 主讲人介绍

Constantin Blome自2022年9月起担任莱比锡兰卡斯特大学学术院长,也是《国际运营与生产管理期刊》(IJOPM)的联合主编。Constantin的研究兴趣包括供应链管理、采购和运营管理,重点关注可持续发展、创新和风险问题。在2020年和2021年,他获得了Clarivate在"跨领域"类别中的高被引研究奖,成为了排名前0.1%的被引学者。Constantin经常在学术会议和从业者会议上发表主题演讲。他的研究获得了多个著名奖项。Constantin也是两家公司的共同所有者和董事会成员。Constantin筹集了超过500万欧元的研究基金,并重点关注行业基金。

Constantin Blome is Academic Dean of Lancaster University Leipzig since September 2022. He is also Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Operations & Production Management. Constantin's research interests include supply chain management, procurement and operations management with strong focus on sustainability, innovation and risk issues. In 2020 and 2021, he received the highly cited research award from Clarivate in the category "cross field", highlighting the top 0,1% cited scholars. Constantin is regular keynote speaker at academic and practitioner conferences. His research won several prestigious awards. Constantin is also co-owner and board member of two companies (n-side, Belgium, and Procurence, Poland). Overall, Constantin raised more than 5 million Euro research funding with a strong focus on industry funding.

02 讲座内容


This talk will focus on the biggest learnings when moving into the Editor in Chief Journal in a top-tier journal and talk about what happens behind the curtains. All with the aim to let authors better understand also the operations side of publishing in top-tier journals. Furthermore, we will discuss general strategies for publishing in empirically focused journals and also about different styles and strategies in diverse empirical fields. The session aims at a discussion with the audience and to help scholars better bridge gaps between reviewers and different kinds of editor expectations.