Department of Industrial Engineering
Department of Construction Management
Department of Operation and Supply Chain Management
Department of Marketing
Department of Organizational and Strategic Management
Department of Information Management and Management Science
Department of Accounting and Financial Management
Department of Finance
Institute of Systems Engineering
Institute of Public Administration
研究方向:Human resource management Marketing
研究方向:Marketing science;Service quality management and customer satisfaction;Statistics data mining.
研究方向:The economics of money and banking;International Finance;World Economy;
研究方向:Management Science and Systems Engineering, Ecosystems and Public Resource Management
研究方向:Human-computer interaction, Digital marketing, Consumer behavior
研究方向:Enerprise Strategy and Marketing Management: Corporate culture and Strategic Social Responsibility; Brand and Consumer Behavior; Entrepreneurship Management; Corporate Governance and Performance; Asset Evaluation. Regional Economic Management: Regional Governance and Regional Marketing; Cluster Management of Emerging Strategic Industries, Cultural and Creative Industries Management.
研究方向:trategic Management: internal and external environmental analysis and strategic positioning of Enterprise, Choice of strategy, Strategy implementation and evaluation, core competitiveness of enterprises creation and enhancement, Standardization Management Platform for SMEs Corporate Culture: the Misunderstanding of enterprise culture and Prevention Strategies, The construction of Core enterprise culture and process control, How to choose the Mode of Corporate Culture, Risk of cross-border business culture and prevention strategy Knowledge Management: the specific use and core values of Knowledge management in modern enterprise management, the optimization and integration of Enterprise knowledge resources, the Establishment and maintenance of a learning organization Human Resource Management: recruitment, training, compensation and performance appraisal plan
研究方向:Innovation; Marketing Models; Entertainment Marketing; Platform Economy
研究方向:Enterprises strategic management; Human resources; Marketing management; Entrepreneurial management; Customer relationship management; Risk management; Decision theory of system optimization; Theory and application of neural network in management; Theory and application of systems engineering.
研究方向:Consumer Choice Dynamics, Consumer Online Search, Structural Modeling, Bayesian Estimation Methods, Machine Learning
研究方向:Quality and Productivity Improvement, Process Monitoring, Six Sigma Improvement, Statistics in Engineering
研究方向:Brand and Consumer Behavior,Network Marketing, Strategic Management, Emergency Management, Human Resource Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Management, Behavioral Finance