Faculty Research

Department of Accounting and Financial Management

Yang, Kelei

Associate Professor Department of Accounting and Financial Management


研究方向:​Biography[Education]1987-1991, Master of Technical Economy and Management, Tianjin University2002-2007, PhD of Technical Economy and Management, Tianjin University[Work Experience]1999-present, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Financial Management, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University[Research Interests]技术经济及管理(Technical Economy and Management), 项目...



1987-1991, Master of Technical Economy and Management, Tianjin University

2002-2007, PhD of Technical Economy and Management, Tianjin University

[Work Experience]

1999-present, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Financial Management, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University

[Research Interests]

技术经济及管理(Technical Economy and Management), 项目投资决策评价(Project Investment Decision Evaluation), 财务与金融管理(Financial and Banking Management)

[Professional Affiliations]

[1] 中国技术经济学会第六届理事,2016.8-今

Member of the 6th Council of Chinese Society of Technology Economics, Aug, 2016 to Present