Faculty Research

Department of Finance

Zhang, Yongjie

Professor Department of Finance





1997-2001, Bachelor of International finance, Nankai University

2001-2004, Master of Management Science & Engineering, Tianjin University

2004-2007, PhD of Management Science & Engineering, Tianjin University

[Work Experience]

2007-2014, Lecturer / Associate Professor, Institute of Systems Engineering, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University

2014-present, Professor, Department of Finance, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University

[Research Interests]

金融大数据分析(Financial Data Analytics)、计算实验金融(Agent-based Computational Finance)、金融工程(Financial Engineering)、行为金融(Behavioral Finance)


[1] 股指期货:跨市场影响与风险管理(专著), 天津市社会科学优秀成果奖三等, 2018

Stock Index Futures: Cross-market Impact and Risk Management(Monograph), Third Prize of Tianjin Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, 2018

[2] 信息技术与中小企业融资模式创新(研究报告), 天津市社会科学优秀成果奖一等, 2016

Information Technology and Innovation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Financing Model (Research Report), Tianjin Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award First Class, 2016

[3] 青年拔尖支持人才计划,2012

Youth Top-notch Talent Support Program,2012

[Professional Affiliations]

[1] 中国管理现代化研究会金融管理委员会秘书长, 2019-2023

Secretary General of the Financial Management Committee of China Management Modernization Research Association, 2019-2023

[2] 中国运筹学会决策科学分会理事, 2019-2023

Director of Decision Science Branch of China Operations Research Society, 2019-2023

[3] 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会青年工作委员会委员, 2020-2024

Member of the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Society of Optimal Planning and Economic Mathematics, 2020-2024

[4] 天津大学中国社会计算研究中心主任, 2022-今

Dean, China Center for Social Computing, Tianjin University, 2022-present