Faculty Research



Department of Industrial Engineering Associate Professor


研究方向:Statistical Process Control、Design of Experiments、Reliability Engineering


【Personal Profile】

Since Year 2003, I am engaged in teaching and researching at Department of Industrial Engineering in Tianjin University. My main research interest is statistics and data mining, and their application in engineering problems in control and optimization.

【Education and Career】

Time Education/working experience Degree/position
2005- Department of Industrial Engineering, Tianjin University Associate Professor
2003-2005 Department of Industrial Engineering, Tianjin University Lecturer
1994-1999 Tianjin OTIS Elevator & Escalator Company Project Supervisor & Design Engineer
2002-2005 Management Science and Engineering, Tianjin University Ph.D
1999-2001 Master of Business Administration, Tianjin University M.S.
1990-1994 Mechanical Engineering, University of Shanghai Jiao Tong University B.S

【Journal Paper】

Nie B., He Y. D., He Z. (2011) Modified individual control chart based on particle filter, Mathematical Statistics and Management (accepted).

Nie, B. (2005) Highly Automatic Mechanical Manufacturing Process Control. Industrial Engineering 9(5), 68-71.

Qi, E. S., Nie B., Chien C. F. (2005) Manufacturing Process Yield Management Framework Based on Data Mining. Industrial Engineering 8(3), 64-68.

Nie, B., Qi, E. S. (2004) “CASH: A New SPC Scheme Based on Cluster Analysis in Excess Variety”. International Journal of Business 9(4), 381-389.

Nie, B., Qi, E. S. (2004) Statistical Process Analysis and Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing. Industrial Engineering 7(6), 58-61.

Nie, B., Qi, E. S. (2004) Fault Prediction of Automatic Mechanical Equipment based on Yield Management. Mechanical Design 21(6), 34-37.

【Conference Paper】

Nie B., Liao D., Ding J., He Y. D. (2011) Multiple-response surface approach: modeling and optimization. International Conference on Material and Products Manufacturing Technology (MPMT2011), 339:321-325.

Nie B., Ding J. (2011) A clustering approach to distinguish the change-point. International Conference of Information Technology Computer Engineering and Management Sciences (ICM2011) (accepted).

Nie B., Liu Q., Ding J. (2010) Statistical process control based on state space model. International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE 2010), 10:7487-7494.


Science and Technology Progress Award of Tianjin, The 2nd Prize, 3rd participant, 2005

Outstanding Projects of Technological Innovation of Tianjin, The 1st Prize, 3rd participant, 1998

Outstanding New Product of Tianjin, The 1st Prize, 2nd participant, 1997


【Research Projects】

Process Optimizing Based on Design of Experiment, Leader, 2011.

Innovation Foundation of Tianjin University, Statistical Process Control Based on State Space Model, Leader, 2010.

Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation (70931004), Theory and Method Study on Quality Control and Diagnosis of Complex Product Manufacturing Process, Participant, 2010.

National Natural Science Foundation (70472063), Production Planning and Scheduling Based on Integration of APS and MES, Participant, 2005.

Production Management System Design and Improvement of Jinyang, Leader 2005.

Key Project of Ministry of Commerce of China, Study on Electronic and Communication Product Manufacturing of Tianjin Binhai New Developed Area, Participant, 2003.

Quality Analysis and Improvement of Liteon, Participant, 2002.

Academic & social Service