Faculty Research

Institute of Public Administration


Institute of Public Administrative Professor


研究方向:Public resources management; Enterprise theory and application; Project management


【Education and Career】

Time Institution Degree/Position
1995-2000 Liaoning University Enterprise management Ph.D
1984-1987 Nankai University Industrial economics Master
1980-1984 Nankai University economics Bachelor
1987.6-Now School of management、Faculty of management and economics Professor, Doctoral supervisor
1994.3-1994.10 Canada Montreal HEC Visiting scholar

【Published Monographs】

[1] Chen Tong.Microeconomics. Tianjin University Press,1993.2(First edition),1999.9(Second edition)

[2] Chen Tong(Chief editor).Macroeconomics and microeconomics. Tianjin University Press,2003.9(First edition),2006.3(Second edition)

[3] Chen Tong, Liang Jiao-jie(Translator).Risk management in the public sector. Tianjin University Press,2003.8

[4] Chen Tong, Zhao Cheng, Li Hai-tao. Research on evaluation of investment projects based on bounded rationality. Tianjin Peoples Press,2009.3

【Journal Paper】

[1] Chen Tong , Tian Hong-po. An empirical study on the industrialization path of high-tech industry [J]. Science of Science and Management of S.& T.,2001(9):66-68.

[2] Chen Tong, Zhang Guo-xing, Xie Guo-hui.Critical behaviors of moral risk in principal-agent system [J].Journal of Tianjin University(natural science edition),2002(2):203-206.

[3] Chen Tong, Bai Jian-ying, Su Yin-li.Study on information transfer and administer inspirit [J].Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,2004(1):114-116.

[4] Chen Tong, Wang Wei.Urban competitiveness and government reform [J].Urban Problems,


[5] Chen Tong, Wang Wei.A mechanism for Urban and Urban government [J].Urban Studies,


[6] Sun Ying, Chen Tong, Mao Wei. Study on the key factors of the service innovation process in logistics information service enterprise [J]. Science of Science and Management of S.& T.,


[7] Jiang Yan, Chen Tong.Study on the new rural public service system with DIM method [J].Chinese public administration,2009(2):91-95.

[8] Chen Tong, Liu Xiao-feng, Liu Jin-ming.Study on bounded rational project economic evaluation based on the complexadaptive system theory [J].Science of Science and Management of S.& T.,2007(12):9-12.

[9] Li Guang-hai, Chen Tong. A cornerstone of modern decision-making: a review of rationality and bounded rationality [J].Statistics and Decision,2008(3):49-52.

[10] Mao Ming-lai, Chen Tong. The realization degree of bounded rationality in the investment decision of the project [J].Science & Technology progress and policy,2008(7):138-140.

[11] Liu Xiao-feng, Chen Tong, Wu Shao-yan.Study on the project multiple-objectives

coordination [J].China Engineering Science,2010(3):90-94,99.

[12] Liu Xiao-feng, Chen Tong. Economic evaluation of investment projects from the perspective of multiple attribute decision making [J].Statistics and Decision,2010(19):70-73.

[13] Yang Xiang-hui, Chen Tong.A study of the dynamic relationship of technology transfer on

regional economic development of Tianjin based on VAR Model [J].Soft science,2010(9):67-70.

[14] Wu Yong, Chen Tong.Enterprice’s R&D decision behavior under the circumstance of information leakage [J].Systems Engineering,2011(4):114-116.

[15] Wu Yong, Chen Tong. Study of Government Subsidy Strategy under the Enterprises' Cooperation and Non-cooperation Parallel R&D Pattern [J].Soft Science,2011(6):25-27.

[16] Liao Qing-hu, Chen Tong.The Scale Stability Analysis of the Compound Agricultural Industry Chain- A Duopoly Structure as an Example [J].Systems Engineering,2012(8):70-75.

[17] Chen Tong, Chen Kui-ming. To improve the level of financial services in rural areas through

the cultural construction [N].Peoples Daily,2012.5.2(Theory edition)

[18] Chen Tong, Wu Yong.Knowledge transfer strategy of R&D outsourcing under trust

perspective [J].Science of Science and Management of S.& T.,2012(1):77-82.


【Research Projects】

[1] Research on the governance structure of city university , Project supported by Tianjin Social Science Planning Foundation

[2] Study on improving management competence of Tianjin government, Project supported by Tianjin Social Science Planning Foundation

[3] Research on dynamic system evaluation of constructing a clean & honest administration, Project supported by Tianjin Construction Projects Foundation of Key Disciplines on Social Science

[4] Research on the supporting platform of science and technology of China in transition period,Project supported by The World Bank

[5] Research on the economic evaluation of investment projects based on bounded rationality,Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China

[6] Research on making the association for science and technology as a bridge and bond in the new period,Project supported by China Association for Science and Technology

[7] Research on evaluation and compensation for projects of public cultural servicing facilities based on harmonious rationality, Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China

[8] Research on the realization path of the industry-university-researcher cooperation innovation based on the perspective of enterprise growth,Tianjin Development Strategy Research Project on Science and Technology

[9] Research on cooperative development of enterprise technology centers in Tianjin based on strategy consistency,Tianjin Development Strategy Research Project on Science and Technology

[10] Evaluation research on the construction of the Party conduct and of an honest and clean government in the new period,Project supported by the Specialized Research Fund on Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education of China

[11] Research on the dimension identification, mechanism analysis and compensation of evaluation on public cultural facilities projects,Project supported by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China

[12] Research on brand governance of GI agricultural product,Project supported by the Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China

[13] Research on city management mode, Key Project of Tianjin Government Decision Consulting

【Enterprise Cooperation Project】

[1] Research on the development plan of Tianjin urban construction group

[2] Research on comprehensive evaluation of contract information in Petro China

[3] Research on the construction and evaluation of integrated operation system on offshore main business of Bohai Sea Petroleum Company

[4] Research on the management mechanism under budget management mode of highway administration in Qingdao City

[5] Research on innovation mode of industrial property management of Tianjin Sanyuan real estate company

[6] The forecasting of commercial housing and residential in Qian’an City

[7] Research on development strategy of ski industry in Chongli County

[8] Research on the industry plan of South Lake Ecological Town in Tangshan

[9] Research on the strategy development and exploitation of management and technology system in Tianjin Aquatic Products Group

[10] Research on planning human resource in Tianjin Zhongfa Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Corporations Ltd


[1] First prize at the 12th Tianjin Outstanding Achievements for Social Science(1)

[2] Second prize at the 11th Tianjin Outstanding Achievements for Social Science(1)

[3] Second prize at the tenth Tianjin Outstanding Achievements for Social Science(2)

[4] First prize at Beijing Educating and Teaching Achievement (High education)(3)

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time Job】

[1] Director of Chinese Industrial Economic Association