
讲座预告 | Why I rejected your paper -An Editor's View




主题:Why I rejected your paper -An Editor's View

主讲人:Brian Lucey

主讲人简介:Brian Lucey教授来自Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin,INFINITI国际会议的发起人及主席,主要从事市场有效性、商品市场、金融危机、金融一体化、经济心理学等领域的研究,在国际期刊上发表论文百余篇。另外,Brian Lucey教授长期担任International Review of Financial Analysis, International Review of Economics and Finance, Finance Research Letters和Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance国际期刊的主编以及Journal of Banking and Finance和Journal of Multinational Financial Management的副主编。

讲座内容:In this talk, Professor Brian Lucey (Editor, Finance Research Letters, International Review of Financial Analysis, International Review of Economics and Finance) will outline the main reasons why an editor does and does not reject a paper at desk and review stage. A series of guidelines to good practice follow from. The talk should be of special interest to anyone beginning a research career, or those more advanced who wish to enhance their skills and increase their chances of success.